If you’re just discovering my work, you may choose to begin your exploration with my individual stretch & mobility how-tos. From there, you can continue exploring with my complete collection of how-tos… And when you’re ready…
You can go even deeper into the learning process with in-depth workshops on specific subjects. Each of these workshops includes a video tutorial + PDF download, which average 30 minutes + 30 pages. Individual workshops available June 1st, 2024.
Available 5/1 - 5/31 (extended to June 15th!!)
✨ Package deals on bundled workshops ✨
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✨ See Below. ✨

Healthy breathing patterns are so valuable because they deprogram dysfunctional patterns in our biomechanics, while improving blood oxygen levels and creating a deep sense of calm in the nervous system.
In this video tutorial series you’ll develop an understanding of the anatomical structures related to breath as well as the different ways the body uses and responds to breath.
After watching, you’ll come away with an understanding of a variety of breath techniques to improve your natural, organic, unconscious breath. -
Repetitive movements of day-to-day living add up. Optimizing these “little things” makes a huge impact on our overall comfort and lifelong wellness.
You’ll effectively have the tools to functionally reduce tech neck, slouching + slumping, and wasted energy.
No tools or gimmicks!
This video tutorial series will teach you to sit down, stand up, and get out of bed with ergonomic ease. -
Keeping our feet healthy helps us stay comfortable and stable throughout the rest of our bodies.
Through this video tutorial series, you’ll learn about the spring function of the foot and its importance as a shock absorber for the rest of the body.
You’ll learn to use the transformative foot stretch tool Half Balls (made by OPTP), as well as ways to use the Half Roller to stretch the feet and calves. -
In this extended tutorial you’ll learn comfortable, easy ways to use the foam roller to release tissue throughout the upper and lower legs for a more efficient, effective mobility practice.
A foam roller can be a great part of your self care tool kit because it can be very efficient at releasing tight tissue. But when I talk to clients about their foam rolling routine at home, I often see a look come over people’s faces that says “I know I could be doing it - maybe I’m being hard on myself because I think I should be doing it - but it’s so uncomfortable!!
Well, If you shy away from rolling, it may be because it has been too tender or positionally awkward for you. It may also be because you were... well, rolling!
Passing your weight back and forth over tender spots can feel like putting your muscles through a meat grinder. It also doesn’t necessarily deliver desired results. -
Our head and our hands are two of the biggest ways we interact with the world. Restrictions in the neck and shoulders can affect the quality of those interactions, and even cause restrictions in blood flow to the brain.
When we feel liberty throughout our parts - especially the head, neck and shoulders - we create more room for success, comfort and joy.
If you experience hunched shoulders or tension in your traps and neck - and are looking for ways to self release - this tutorial is for you. -
Have you tried releasing your psoas but feel like you haven’t made as much progress as you’d like?
The psoas muscle - dubbed the muscle of the soul - is complex, sophisticated and deep. Both functionally and anatomically!
Actively approaching it with warrior-style lunges will only train psoas to stay taught and rigid. Psoas likes safety. Psoas likes softness.
Not interested in the in-depth workshops/packages?
Skip the in-depth exploration and get straight to specific stretch how-tos, or grab the collection of how-tos.